Multi-Disciplinary Team Enhancement Initiative

MO-NACA leads the Multi-Disciplinary Team Enhancement Initiative – a coordinated, multi-year, statewide effort to identify and develop capacity-building opportunities for multidisciplinary teams.

A Foundation for Success

Over the past decade, Missouri has built the foundation for Multi-Disciplinary Teams to ensure a coordinated approach to child abuse investigations. The MDT Enhancement Initiative builds upon that foundation to ensure MDTs statewide are meeting the highest standards and increases access to services for children impacted by abuse.

Initiative Activities

  • Build a Training Ecosystem to amplify training access & opportunities
  • Support MDT Team-Building to intentionally develop relationships between MDT partners
  • Create a Facilitator Toolbox to support MDT facilitators

Long-Term Vision

The long-term vision of the initiative is to ensure that all Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) have the capacity to respond effectively to children and families in a timely manner. Additionally, it aims to establish a common understanding among MDT members regarding partner organizations and their respective roles and provide MDT members with consistent and meaningful opportunities to develop and maintain quality relationships.

The MDT Enhancement Initiative is funded by the Children’s Justice Act Task Force.