Awareness to Action Missouri

Organizational Safeguarding
1 in 10 children will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday, emphasizing the crucial need for organizational responsibility in prevention. Adults engage with children in various settings, such as schools, churches, afterschool programs, day camps, daycares, and sports leagues. These interactions present an opportunity to establish organizational cultures that openly discuss, address, and prevent child sexual abuse, contributing to safer environments for children.
Awareness to Action Missouri (A2A MO) is a collaborative consultation program for organizations based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s guide, Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Within Youth-serving Organizations. MO-NACA’s program has been adapted with permission from Awareness to Action, developed by Children’s Wisconsin and the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board.
The 6-month program aims to cultivate organizational cultures that prioritize child safety and well-being. Engaging a cross section of stakeholders of an organization, facilitators empower the organization’s team to review and revise policies and procedures with a specific focus on preventing child sexual abuse. Organizations participating in the program will receive comprehensive training and support to effectively implement systemic prevention strategies, prioritizing the protection of children in their programs.
Awareness to Action Missouri training is funded by Missouri Children’s Trust Fund’s Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Initiative.
Key Features
Current Practices Assessment
Uncover where there is opportunity for improvement
Best Practices Workshop
Learn best practices and create an action plan for change
Consultation to Enact Change
Receive the support and resources you need to move towards best practices