Stewards of Children

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

Stewards of Children® is one of the only evidence-informed, adult-focused child sexual abuse prevention training programs in the United States proven to increase knowledge and change behavior.

Developed by Darkness to Light, this award-winning program teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews with a diverse group of people with lived experience, experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children® equips adults with practical actions to reduce instances of child sexual abuse within organizations, families, and communities.

MO-NACA’s statewide network of Authorized Stewards of Children Facilitators are ready to provide this important training for your organization or community!

Empowing adults with solutions to prevent child sexual abuse!

Key Features

Delivered in a trauma-informed way by instructors and facilitators who have been rigorously trained

  • Features powerful videos paired with robust facilitated discussion

Teaches three foundational empowerment skills:

  • Making choices that protect children
  • Taking risks to minimize danger to children
  • Supporting each other

Highlights The 5 Steps to Protecting Children™

Become an Authorized Stewards of Children® Facilitator

MO-NACA is the central support hub for the Missouri Stewards of Children® Authorized Facilitator Network. The Network provides resource-sharing, mutual support, and strategic planning to effectively deliver Stewards of Children® training to adults across the state.

Authorized Facilitators are needed in communities throughout Missouri! 

All child sexual abuse prevention champions are welcome to consider participating in an Authorized Facilitator Workshop. MO-NACA offers Stewards of Children® Authorized Facilitator Workshops annually and has scholarship funds available to offset the cost.

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